Nancy Hand

Meet Nancy Hand

My communication expertise is based on over 35 years of real-world experience and formal training in contract law, mediation, dispute resolution, negotiation, and coaching as well as a passion for communication, learning, and behavior.

But it’s also rooted in my own culinary heritage as a south Louisiana daughter of a food scientist, a foodie (know thyself!), and sourdough baker.

Bread connects. Every culture in the world has a unique bread heritage they celebrate. Breaking Bread brings people together.

No matter where you are in the world, sharing a meal is an act of community and peace. It's where people communicate, connect, relax, create, and celebrate.

That's what my Breaking Bread events are all about! All of that - and a drool worthy loaf? That's a good day!

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Nancy Hand's Guest Appearances

Problem or Connection Opportunity, With Nancy Hand

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on August 13, 2024

When change runs high, stress runs high.

When stress runs high, you know what else runs high? In civility, conflict, and miscommunication.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Nancy Hand introduces you to some ways to turn that distress into the good kind of stress that creates connection, communication, and collaboration that lasts.

Tune in to hear Nancy’s thoughts on:

  • What exactly does change do to people?
  • Is stress inevitable?
  • Can you talk a little bit about the different kinds of stress and what it actually means?
  • What are some ways our community can begin to connect more mindfully and turn that bad stress around?
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Our Guest:

Nancy is offering a 30-minute one-on-one session to hopefully iron out any miscommunication issues you are currently having.

Connect With Our Guest: