Margot Bisnow

Margot Machol Bisnow spent 20 years in government, including as an FTC Commissioner and staff director of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers. For the last 10 years, she has spoken to parent groups about raising creative, confident, resilient children who achieve their dreams. She served as an Advisor to EQ Generation, an after-school program in New York City that gives children the skills to succeed; on the Advisory Board of the MUSE School in Malibu, that prepares young people to live consciously through passion-based learning; and on the Board of Spark the Journey in Washington DC, that mentors low-income high school students to achieve college and career success. Her new book is Raising an Entrepreneur: How to Help Your Children Achieve Their Dreams – 99 Stories from Families Who Did. Learn more at

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Margot Bisnow's Guest Appearances

Raising Entrepreneurs, With Margot Bisnow – Part 1

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on August 20, 2024

For the first time, most Americans want to become entrepreneurs. But how do parents raise their children so they have the right traits to succeed?

Many parents resist letting their children figure out their own path because they think it means encouraging pursuits that aren’t serious. But only doing what their parents think will make them successful results in young people becoming dispirited and unhappy.

Parenting expert, Margot Machol Bisnow, interviewed 70 entrepreneurs and their parents to learn what’s needed to successfully incubate an entrepreneur.

A recurring theme was letting their children take the lead in their own life and then providing steadfast support. Parents need to lead by following, regardless of where their child wants to go. Children who are allowed to figure out their own passion, and then are encouraged in that passion, live lives filled with joy and purpose.

Tune in to hear Margot’s thoughts on:

  • Why did you write your book?
  • What did you learn about raising kids?
  • How do you define an entrepreneur?
  • Can you tell us about the people you interviewed?
  • Was there one characteristic all of these entrepreneurs had that was similar?
  • I notice a lot of them played sports, can you tell me what that had to do with entrepreneurship?
  • What is the one way in which every entrepreneur was raised the same?
  • Did many of them have a little business when they were young? In other words, did many of them seem like little entrepreneurs when they were in high school?
  • What is the most important rule to raising entrepreneurial kids?
  • How about your own kids, did you raise them to be entrepreneurs?
  • What about failure?
  • Why is your book so important now?
  • And much, much more!

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