
Why Your Lack of Self-Awareness is Crushing Your Career and Business, With Jason Treu

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on July 2, 2019 0 Comments

Have you ever admired those successful, confident, motivated, and charismatic people who seem to have it all? They’ve climbed the corporate ladder quickly or started a great business.

They’ve made all the right connections. They’ve mastered networking and how to build relationships. They’re very persuasive and created significant influence with people. And…all of this has opened up limitless opportunities for them.

Their secret? They are self-aware.

Jason Treu, executive business coach, joins Adam this week to share some of the tips he picked up working with influential leaders such as Steve Jobs (Apple & Pixar), Reed Hastings (CEO at Netflix), Mark Cuban, Mark Hurd (CEO at HP), and others.


  • What is self-awareness;
  • Why self-awareness is important;
  • The key concept in understanding self-awareness;
  • How people make breakthroughs to change behaviors;
  • And much more!

Are you self-aware? Listen to this show and find out!

Become Business Famous, with Donna Gunter

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on June 27, 2019 0 Comments

A key ingredient in small business success is getting your prospects to choose you. When you become the obvious choice, prospects start chasing you instead of you chasing them. The lead to prospect to customer conversion process is easier, and the percentage of prospect to customer conversions are much higher. Customers will be eager to refer you to everyone they know.

The secret in making your prospects choose you is pretty easy to do. It’s not as difficult as the gurus might tell you. And, when used correctly, it will dramatically position you as the obvious “go to authority.” This secret is to become Business Famous by writing your own book that is specifically designed to start the sales conversation with your perfect prospects by addressing the most common fears, misconceptions, and obstacles that you can help them with. Think of it almost like an introductory meeting you’d have with your perfect prospect.

Joining Adam is Amazon best-selling author, Donna Gunter. Donna shares how to create a short, easy-to-read book that you can print for a little more than the cost of a brochure and hand out to prospective clients.


  • The six biggest ways a book can build your local business;
  • The single biggest mistake most local business owners make that cripples their book’s money-making ability, and how you can avoid it;
  • The time-tested method local business owners use to write a quality book fast (in as few as 60 minutes);
  • The three most effective strategies local business owners use to make money with their book;
  • And much more!

If you’re ready to become business famous, don’t miss this show!

Building a Purpose-Driven Business That Works Without You, with Barry Magliarditi

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on June 25, 2019 0 Comments

Your business is a vehicle to consciously create your future and live a lifestyle of your choosing. Which means, you run your business…not the other way around.

Unfortunately, too many entrepreneurs let their business run their lives and dictate their lifestyle. It is possible to build a strong, purpose-driven business that works when you’re not in the driver’s seat.

How? Peak Performance Coach, Barry Magliarditi, joins Adam to teach us exactly that…how to build a business that runs on its own.


  • How systems and processes can streamline and automate your business;
  • Why too many entrepreneurs are burning the midnight oil and how to stop;
  • How your thoughts and beliefs affect business and business growth;
  • What the ‘Inner Game’ is and how it works;
  • And much more!

If you’re ready to put your purpose-driven business on autopilot, don’t miss this episode!

How to Build, Nurture & Grow Your Digital Relationships, with JoAnne Funch

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on June 20, 2019 0 Comments

In this age of technology, we literally have the world at our fingertips. We can easily conduct business with anyone, anywhere in the world. But it can be challenging to create and build those digital relationships.

One of the most common tools used in business is LinkedIn. LinkedIn isn’t simply a tool for savvy job seekers. It helps individuals like you to connect with like-minded professionals in your industry, find sources for expertise and talent, connect with industry leaders who have expert opinions and stay apprised of company activities. You can learn a lot from what your competitors are posting. That means that whether you are seeking to land a new job or building a thriving business, LinkedIn is THE tool for business.

Joining Adam is LinkedIn expert, JoAnne Funch. She comes to share her tips for growing digital relationships.


  • What a great LinkedIn profile looks like or needs to include;
  • How to begin to reaching out to people to connect or do business with;
  • Engagement on social media is key, how that applies to LinkedIn;
  • How you add value to digital relationships and why digital relationships matter;
  • And so much more!

If you’re confused about how to use the world’s most robust business platform in your business, then don’t miss this!

Download 7 Ways to Transform Your LinkedIn Network

An Entrepreneurs Story – How to Reach Your Business Dreams, with Jerry Brazie

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on June 18, 2019 0 Comments

Every entreprenteur has a story about their journey to becoming an entrepreneur. Many include a hardknocks chapter – something from their past triggered their entrepreneurial spirit. Others were just born to create their own business.

But they all have one thing in common…the struggle to reach their business dreams. The most successful entrepreneurs have failed time and time again.

Jerry Brazie is no different. Starting out as being a homeless teen, stealing food to eat, to now being a multi-millionaire with numerous companies, Jerry has learned what it takes to reach your business dreams.

This week, he joins Adam to share his secrets.


The secret to going from where you were, to where you are now;
Jerry’s top advice to people looking for a new job, or moving up in their current one;
The state of entrepreneurship today;
If it’s possible to get rich quick;
How to face hardship and still stay optimistic;
And so much more!

If you have the drive and determination to succeed and want to learn more, join us!

The Online Fluff of Entrepreneurship, with Mario Nawfal

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on June 13, 2019 0 Comments

Creating an online business is not a case of, “If you build it they will come.” It’s not as simple as just hanging out your shingle and waiting for the sales to come rolling in.

But there are a lot of so-called gurus who preach about working smarter, not harder…meaning that you shouldn’t be rolling up your sleeves and putting in long hours. In the beginning of any business that’s exactly what you should be doing.

Anyone who tells you to work smart and not bother with working hard is either close-minded or delusional. Entrepreneur, Mario Nawfal, door-knocked and cold called 7 days a week before he launched his first business. Even after becoming a millionaire within 12 months of launching his first business, Mario’s 15-20 hour days didn’t stop until his 3rd year.

In this episode, Mario joins Adam and shares some of his secrets for bootstrapping a 7-figure business.


  • Why entrepreneurs should avoid most online business influencers and gurus;
  • The importance of timing in business;
  • If there is a formula for business success;
  • Fact vs fluff in business;
  • And much more!

If you want to learn how to launch your business and bootstrap it into 7-figures, don’t miss this episode!

Law Firm Conversions, With Chris Mullins

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on June 11, 2019 0 Comments

Perhaps you think your law firm is successful because the phone is ringing… and some days, it’s ringing off the hook. However, you find you are still struggling to grow your firm or even be profitable.

Here’s the hard truth: A ringing phone only indicates that your marketing is successful. It’s what happens when the phone is answered that will drive your success… or failure.

Sales and marketing expert, Chris Mullins, joins Adam to help you understand the important role your receptionist or intake specialist plays in converting every call to become a profitable client along with the steps you need to take to ensure the right person is answering the phone and answering it correctly. You may think this is a small matter, but if a call isn’t handled well, nothing else happens.


  • Why something that’s been around as long as the telephone has become forgotten as a sales tool;
  • What some of the steps are to convert an initial call into a prospect;
  • How much of a role mindset plays in training your clients on phone techniques;
  • What role does an ever changing staff play in being able to tum more prospects into clients;
  • And much more!

If you’re ready to turn phone calls into clients, listen in!

Driven by a Purpose Beyond Profit, With Chris Yoko

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on June 6, 2019 0 Comments

There is a saying in business, “Focus on the outcome, not the income.” While you’re in business of course to make a profit and create a lifestyle for yourself, chances are you started your company for a bigger reason than just money.

We often forget the big picture of why we started our business as we get lost in the minutae of the actual building of the business. But focusing heavily on the outcome…what impact are you creating for your customers and the world…creates a stronger business sense and structure than just figuring out how to make money.

Chris Yoko is focused on helping people, and the organizations they belong to, pave the road to a more Utopian world. Joining Adam in this episode, he brings his expertise and strategy for organizations to build and champion themselves using their most powerful asset, their web presence.


  • How to calculate impact;
  • How to create a strong, flexible culture of performance and retention;
  • What role companies play within a cause;
  • How profits and positive impact support one another;
  • What website owners have to be concerned about as it pertains to accessibility and compliance;
  • And so much more!


Small Business Marketing Made EZ, With Stacey Riska

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on June 4, 2019 0 Comments

What’s the difference between the confident business owner who leads the growth of their business vs those who can’t get out of survival mode? It all comes down to this: All successful businesses have a clear marketing strategy that makes everything they do more effective.

Unfortunately, many busy small business owners get so caught up in tactical daily marketing execution like building a website, sending email, tweeting, advertising, optimizing a landing page, blogging and so on, that they are not taking the time to work on the decisions that’ll improve the performance of their tactics.

Small Business Stacey to the rescue! Stacey Riska joins Adam this week to talk about marketing, and why yours could be failing.


  • How to get your marketing into A.C.T.I.O.N.;
  • The number one reason so many small businesses are struggling;
  • How to put a marketing campaign on autopilot;
  • Is marketing really as EZ as Stacey says;
  • And so much more!

If you’re ready to enhance your marketing skills and watch your bottom line soar, don’t miss this episode!

Strategic Profitability, With Michele Williams

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on May 30, 2019 0 Comments

There is nothing worse at the end of the day than not knowing where your money went or stressing about how you will pay the bills; all while you are not getting paid a salary consistently. Add to that, being hit with unexpected bills, not knowing if you can pay your employees, or not having a firm grasp on your ability to grow the business and you have the makings for a disaster.

Certified, Profit First coach, Michele Williams, joins Adam this week to talk about the hard stuff.


  • How our choices directly impact our profitability;
  • How you can control your business instead of letting it control you;
  • How to deal with Mom Guilt when you work from home;
  • What it really means to own your business;
  • How fear of failure/success & Imposter syndrome can impact your business;
  • And much more!

If you’re tired of watching money fly out the window…don’t miss this!