
7 Steps to More Profit and More Cash Flow, With Adam Lean

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on May 28, 2019 0 Comments

Half of all small businesses never see their fifth birthday. Small businesses fail for one reason: lack of focus on the financial health of the business.

Why? Because the financials are confusing. They’re not sexy. Most business owners start their business because they’re good at the “craft” of the business…

But far too many ignore the financial health of the company. And we’re not just talking about how much money is in the bank.

Joining Adam is founder of the CFO Project, Adam Lean. In this episode the ‘Adams’ team up to talk about cash flow, lack thereof and the 7 steps you can take to create more profit and more cash flow in your business.


  • The number one thing that every business must focus on but rarely do;
  • Why business owners struggle;
  • Adam’s method for helping clients get control over their business and money;
  • And so much more!

If you’re ready to have more cash in the bank then tune in!

Destroying the Myth of the “Starving Artist”, With Catherine Orer

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on May 23, 2019 0 Comments

The “starving artist” myth is a limiting belief that’s been passed on from generation to generation and it’s about time we put an end to it. Not only is it disempowering to artists trying to promote themselves and their work, it’s also a barrier for many talented teenagers and young adults who will not pursue a career in the arts from fear of not being able to support themselves and later on in life, their families. Many will major in a more “socially accepted” program and pursue a career they don’t enjoy. Our society just doesn’t value doing what ignites your passion when it comes to earning a living. Instead, we are conditioned to do “the right thing”, even if it makes us incredibly unhappy.

So what should you do when the thing you are really good at, the thing that really drives you and excites you come Monday morning isn’t putting food on the table?

Joining Adam to dispel the myth around the arts is award-winning Business & PR Strategist and founder of The Artist Entrepreneur, Catherine Orer.


  • How to sell your art without feeling like a sell-out;
  • Top mistakes artists are making that are costing them sales;
  • Why it’s so important to get clear on your vision and how to communicate it effectively with potential partners and clients;
  • How to set and achieve your goals as a professional artist;
  • The essentials to consider when you want to go from amateur to professional artist;
  • And so much more!

You can starve if you want or you can provide useful work that others will pay for. If you want to learn how to sell more you are in for a treat!

Coach More, Manage Less, With Bill Eckstrom and Sarah Wirth

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on May 21, 2019 0 Comments

You’re amazing at what you do. You provide coaching to people and companies to help them increase
revenue, perform better, and so on.

But how much time do you really spend coaching versus managing your business? As an entrepreneur and
business owner, we wear a lot of hats. Sometimes those managerial hats take over and we spend far more time
IN our business rather than ON our business.

Co-authors of The Coaching Effect, Bill Eckstrom and Sarah Wirth, join Adam to shed some light on how to best
utilize your time and team to improve productivity and get you back in the coaches chair.


  • What The Coaching Effect is all about;
  • How to manage less and coach more;
  • What differentiates high-growth coaches from their less effective peers;
  • Three specific behaviors that top-performing coaches use to lead their teams effectively;
  • How to know if you’re being an effective coach;
  • And much more!

If you’re ready to spend more time on coaching and less time on management, tune in.

Stop Wasting Money On Ineffective Training Programs, With Juliana Stancampiano

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on May 16, 2019 0 Comments

Every year, businesses spend billions of dollars on initiatives, tools, and technology that leaders believe will help their customer-facing teams drive more revenue or customer engagement and loyalty. Yet they lack the internal models necessary to navigate organizational complexity, and the ways of working needed to gather cross-functional knowledge across silos. The result is that too much irrelevant content is created, information is overwhelming and hard to find, and the investments are wasted because their end deliverables simply aren’t helpful for their intended audience.

CEO of Oxygen, Juliana Stancampiano, joins Adam to discuss why businesses are essentially throwing money out the window when it comes to training programs.


  • Why, even though learning and development is a $140 billion industry, much of that money is wasted;
  • If there is a greater need for training in today’s workplace than in prior times and why;
  • How focusing on outcomes is the key to developing learning programs that yield measurable results;
  • Why teamwork is critical when it comes to learning and development;
  • And much more!

If you’re ready to create award-winning teams, and stop wasting your money, this episode is for you!

Controlling Healthcare Spending, With Allison DePaoli

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on May 14, 2019 0 Comments

The best employers inherently know that taking care of their employees means their employees will take care of their customers. Offering a benefits plan that takes care of the employee and doesn’t break the bank, that’s the dream. It can drive higher job satisfaction, improve morale and help with the ever-present issue of employee engagement.

Most employers don’t know how to accomplish this – or even that it is possible! Every employer should be in complete control of their healthcare spend – driving the maximum value from every dollar and allowing those saved dollars to grow the business and the bottom line.

Understanding how to drive those savings while finding a world class benefits package can be intimidating. Few insurance professionals understand how to get under the hood and tinker to make the plan work better.

Allison DePaoli does. And she joins Adam in this episode to show us how.


  • How supply chain management translates into healthcare and employee benefits;
  • What employers should focus on with healthcare;
  • How to shift your current plan to focus on outcomes;
  • How to find all the hidden cost drivers in health care;
  • How to use the plan to drive employee engagement;
  • And much more!

If you’re looking for a way to deliver star-studded benefits to your team, without hurting your bottom line,
don’t miss this episode!

Undisrupted: How Highly-Effective People Deal with Disruptions, With John Vespasian

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on May 9, 2019 0 Comments

Is your life running smoothly, always filled with success and happiness? Or do you sometimes face disruptions and periods of chaos?

Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. They take away our focus causing less productivity and ultimately less income.
How do highly-successful and highly-effective people handle constant disruptions?

Author of ten books focusing on rational living, John Vespasian joins Adam to uncover the secrets to effectively handling


  • The key to dealing effectively with disruptions;
  • Which lessons we can learn from people who have survived large adversities;
  • Why you should embrace certain types of disruptions;
  • Which factors are making people particularly vulnerable today;
  • And much more!

If you’re ready to learn how to be more productive in the face of disruptions, join us!

Creating a Profitable Lifestyle Business, With Matt Malouf

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on May 7, 2019 0 Comments

Running a business has never been easy, but today’s 24/7 world makes moving forward more difficult than ever before. Plenty of resources can show you how to make lists, create schedules and manage your time, but expect your time to be 100% devoted to work – it’s no way to live, and no way to grow.

Learning how to reverse engineer your dream lifestyle by designing a business that gives you more freedom to enjoy your success by aligning the right strategy, with the right people, to serve the right customer is a simple equation…with profound outcomes.

Joining Adam is professional business coach, Matt Malouf. Using the framework in his book, The Stop Doing List, Matt helps entrepreneurs address their most crucial needs and build a thriving business that gives them more certainty, more profit, and ultimately more freedom for the things that really matter in life. In this episode, he’s going to reveal some of his best tips for creating your dream lifestyle business.


  • Why you should fire yourself from certain areas in your business;
  • How you can plan a profitable lifestyle business;
  • What negative mindsets decrease productivity;
  • The 500/40/30 formula;
  • And much more!

If you’re ready to build a business that serves you instead of a business that you serve, join us!

Get Unstuck: 3 Universal Steps To Exit Your Business With Financial Security, With Ashley Micciche

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on April 30, 2019 0 Comments

Your business is your baby. You’ve spent countless hours, blood, sweat, and tears to get your business to where it is today. You’ve created business plans, marketing plans, sales plans…but what about an exit plan?

Early in her career as a financial advisor, Ashley Micciche realized that too often business owners nearing retirement were not taking the steps necessary to exit their business.

She joins Adam to educate you on how to design, build, and implement a business exit plan to secure your final and most important business decision – the exit from your business.


  • Why valuing your business is the first step to a successful exit;
  • The 3 universal steps that business owners should take to exit their business;
  • How far in advance should someone plan their exit;
  • The one thing owners should focus on to increase value;
  • And much more!

Don’t get stuck in your business with no exit plan. Tune in to this episode!

Building a High-Performance Culture Can be Easy! With Jeffrey Davidson

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on April 23, 2019 0 Comments

High-performance means a lot more than just fast cars! What can happen in your business if you created a high-performance team culture?

High-performance teams behave, operate, and perform differently. Their impact and results are dramatically above the status quo.

Team building expert, Jeffrey Davidson, joins Adam to introduce us to the world of high-perfomance team cultures.
Jeffrey’s mission is to help you be outstanding…and your team to be even better.


  • The first thing you need to build a high-performance culture;
  • How to get people to collaborate and why it’s important;
  • How can performance reviews and feedback help your organization;
  • And so much more!

Grab hold of the handrail, and get ready to take your team from Meh to High-Performance!

Business Lessons from Costa Rica, With Tim Laskis

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on April 16, 2019 0 Comments

In this amazing age of technology, it’s becoming increasingly easier to work from anywhere in the world. Wouldn’t it be nice to work from the location of your dreams? You could even be a nomad with the right technology and business.

Dreaming about being happy, wealthy or living in paradise can get old. Dr. Tim Laskis joins Adam to provide you with incredible tips and strategies for making all your dreams come true, no matter your life circumstances.


  • How to overcome obstacles;
  • The importance of a support system;
  • Five strategies for creating business and personal success;
  • And more.

If working from paradise is on your bucket list, tune in!