
How Branding Can Help Develop You, With Zachary Colman

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on January 30, 2024

Discover the transformative power of branding in this episode!

Explore personal branding for professional growth, emphasizing authenticity and storytelling. Dive into business rebranding strategies with a focus on building a community-centric approach.

Learn how to foster engagement, collaborate effectively, and create a brand identity that resonates with your audience. Join us for actionable insights to elevate your personal and business brand in the ever-evolving landscape.

Tune in to hear Zachary Colman’s thoughts on:

  • How to go from a me to a we to an us
  • How to build retention internally and externally with multiple locations
  • What to focus on being a brick and mortar
  • Being a fitness advocate
  • Building a community
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest:

A free download that will help leaders in the gym space determine where they are at in regard to building a community.

The Secret Sauce to Building the Life of Your Dreams, With Tyler Woodall

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on January 23, 2024

Meet Tyler Woodall, the visionary entrepreneur who doesn’t just build businesses; he transforms them into unstoppable forces. In a mere two years, he took an insurance agency from ground zero to a seven-figure powerhouse. Now, at the helm of a groundbreaking venture, Tyler is revolutionizing the way businesses operate.

Imagine a world where businesses not only thrive but do so effortlessly. Tyler’s current venture is a testament to this vision. His company specializes in empowering businesses to automate processes, reclaim precious time, and propel themselves to new heights.

Tyler’s journey isn’t just about numbers; it’s about creating a legacy of innovation and success. From the inception of an insurance agency to the cutting-edge world of business automation, Tyler is rewriting the rules and setting a pace that others can only aspire to follow.

If you’re ready to redefine what’s possible for your business, Tyler is the catalyst you’ve been searching for. His expertise isn’t just a track record; it’s a promise of transformation. Step into the future of business with Tyler, where automation isn’t just a tool – it’s a game-changer.

Tune in to hear Tyler’s thoughts on:

  • What is your background, and how did you get here today?
  • Tell us more about how you have automated this business, and your systems in place to manage over 70 employees
  • You talk about building your dream life. What does that mean?
  • And much, much more!



Beating Corporate Malaise to Lead With Faith and Passion, With Brent Pohlman

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on January 16, 2024

When Brent Pohlman landed his first job working at his father’s business, Midwest Labs, at 15, he had no idea the path that lay ahead.

Through decades of building on his father’s legacy, Brent has learned that no matter what incentives you offer, employees will only truly listen to a manager who leads with faith, passion, and heart.

His new book, Leaders Look Within, shares the lessons he’s learned through practical lessons and management guides.

Tune in to hear Brent’s thoughts on:

  • Values First: A strategic plan to transform teamwork with people who share your strong values, resulting in a remarkable work environment
  • Routine is Key: A daily routine to bring your A-game every day and create a work life balance, resulting in greater trust, power, emotional intelligence, and productivity
  • Nothing is Insurmountable: Questions to discover what is holding you back from being the leader you want to be
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest:

Brent’s free leadership guide.

Uncover the Stories That Hold You Back, With Jackie Bebenroth

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on January 9, 2024

Don’t let your stories hold you back.

How many times have you caught yourself saying, “I’m just too close to it…”?

Like you, many visionary leaders make critical branding decisions based on their own experiences and biases.

For over two decades, Jackie Bebenroth has crafted meaningful stories for some of the nation’s top brands. Now, she helps entrepreneurs and executives read between the lines to break through the limitations of perception and connect with real, underlying brand value.

Tune in to hear Jackie’s thoughts on:

  • What are the signs that indicate it is time to re-brand?
  • What are some of the most important considerations when re-branding?
  • What are some of the common roadblocks when undertaking a re-branding project?
  • What makes a re-branding a success?
  • And much, much more!

The Hidden Dangers of Focusing Excessively on Operational Efficiency, With Filippo Passerini

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on January 2, 2024

Bringing constant innovation to business processes to weather an incoming disruption involves having an “open market mindset.” An open market mindset ensures that organizations continually question the status quo, take educated risks on business process evolution, and develop contextual intelligence. Yet, efficiency-alone solutions can eventually hurt overall business process effectiveness.

Pushing cost efficiencies at the expense of customer experience, or separately from the overall business value, is a mistake. For example, call center services across industries have evolved over time from onshore to offshore to automated. In the process, some have become virtually inaccessible or have lost their human touch. Therefore, business process design must deliver both operations efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Filippo Passerini shares decades of experience to share tangible steps for revolutionizing business operations.

Tune in to hear Filippo’s thoughts on:

  • Why transforming business processes (like Finance or HR) is important to winning in the marketplace
  • Why most business transformation programs fail — and what can be done to avoid it
  • How to proactively keep business processes across the company from becoming obsolete
  • What leaders must do to create a culture of change
  • How to measure progress along your transformation journey
  • And much, much more!


Mastering Leadership, With Jones Loflin

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on December 26, 2023

You’re busy.

You are already feeling overloaded.

You’d like to build greater capacity in yourself and members of your team, but where would you find the time?

In short, you want to take your leadership to the next level, but the question is “How?”

You need a fresh and practical blueprint.

Jones Loflin says that new approach is built on four words: Grow, Cultivate, Prune, and Harvest.

Tune in to hear Jones’ thoughts on:

  • How did you come up with the title, “Juggling Elephants” for a book about work life balance?
  • What are the biggest reasons we all feel a constant sense of overload in our lives?
  • Why do you say “The problem is not time management, it’s choice management?”
  • Where do you start when coaching someone who is struggling with too much to do?
  • What are 1-2 “milestone moments” you have had in your career so far?
  • What is something new you are learning about these days?
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest:

Powerful presentations to help you gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Do Less, Live More, and Breathe Easier With Holistic Productivity, With Lisa Zawrotny

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on December 19, 2023

Is it possible to do less, yet achieve more? Yes! When you approach productivity the right way, you’ll get further, faster, with less effort and without burning out.

Have you tried those popular “tried and true” productivity approaches only to be let down??

You’re not alone!

Those productivity approaches aren’t designed with multi-taskers and multi-passionates in mind. (Too limited!)

Those productivity approaches encourage burnout by focusing on doing more, which is impossible for caregivers. (Dangerous!)

Those productivity approaches make you feel like something is wrong with you. (Not so!)

Worse yet, adding more to try to fix what’s already too much is creating overwhelm, not reducing it. It’s time to change that.

Lisa Zawrotny is a Productivity Strategist + Accountability Coach and is here to show us how to do less and live more.

Tune in to hear Lisa’s thoughts on:

  • What does it actually mean to be productive?
  • Why do we need to care about Energy Management versus Time Management?
  • Why do serial entrepreneurs especially need to approach productivity differently?
  • What’s one step to help us declutter our lives?
  • What are the steps to creating a to do list that doesn’t trap you?
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest:

Listen to Lisa’s podcast, Positively Living: Do Less, Live More…Breathe Easier

The Wild West Is Over, There Are Rules For Websites, With Michael L. Jones – Part 2

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on December 14, 2023

In part 1, Michael Jones discussed his website experience and what everyone needs to know about website rules and compliance.

He continues this discussion in part 2.

Tune in to hear Mike’s thoughts on:

  • Site builders such as Wix and Shopify vs. CMS
  • What is a quality site and the google quality score and why is it important?
  • What happened to keywords?
  • Google only indexes the mobile layout version of a site, why?
  • What about the ‘Google my business account’, why do I need one?
  • Trust factors
  • What is the situation with squeeze pages and why are landing pages better?
  • Why do I have to size images; dynamic resizing and the new google webp images format
  • Hosting cheap vs good hosting. The secret behind cheap hosting.
  • Video is king and why you need video on your website
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest:

225 tips that every website owner should know about Google – 911websiterepair.com/tips

The Wild West Is Over, There Are Rules For Websites, With Michael L. Jones – Part 1

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on December 12, 2023

Having worked in the IT field since 1994, Mike Jones has been through the boom, the bang, and the bust of Internet history.

In this first, of a 2-part episode, Mike is here to share his website experience and what everyone needs to know about website rules and compliance.

If you follow the rules, you can do very well. The problem is people do not follow the rules for websites.

Tune in to hear Mike’s thoughts on:

  • Site builders such as Wix and Shopify vs. CMS
  • What is a quality site and the google quality score and why is it important?
  • What happened to keywords?
  • Google only indexes the mobile layout version of a site, why?
  • What about the ‘Google my business account’, why do I need one?
  • Trust factors
  • What is the situation with squeeze pages and why are landing pages better?
  • Why do I have to size images; dynamic resizing and the new google webp images format
  • Hosting cheap vs good hosting. The secret behind cheap hosting.
  • Video is king and why you need video on your website
  • And much, much more!

Invitation from Guest: 

225 tips that every website owner should know about Google – 911websiterepair.com/tips

Intrapreneurship and How to Progress in Toxic Cultures, With Luis Baez

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on December 7, 2023

The concept of intrapreneurship isn’t new, but it can be intimidating to someone who has not experienced an unconventional work culture. Not everyone has experienced the agency to be self-accountable and make decisions in a business.

To alleviate the sense of being thrown off the deep end of the pool, it’s important to establish what it takes to be a successful intrapreneur.

Luis Baez discusses the concept of being an “intrapreneur” – an entrepreneur within a large corporation and emphasizes the importance of having an entrepreneurial mindset even when working in a large organization.

Tune in to hear Luis’ thoughts on:

  • What is an intrapreneur?
  • Why – and how – are you an intrapreneur?
  • What makes someone a good manager? Why is that so important?
  •  How does sales look different now as opposed to 5 years ago? 10?
  • And much, much more!