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Growing Your Wealth by Minimizing Tax & Managing Cash, With John Briggs

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on November 8, 2022

This may come as a shock to you but…the IRS sucks at spending your money.

John Briggs wants to show you how you can keep more of your hard-earned money.

You see, the tax and accounting industry is quite lazy. It’s all about plugging and chugging taxpayers info into software and voilà–a result…

The sad part is most taxpayers don’t realize there is a much better way to treat your financial situation. It’s called smart strategies, communication, and a competent tax adviser.

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.

But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

Tune in and hear John’s answers to questions such as:

  • What is the greatest challenge business owners face concerning their finances?
  • What is one of the most damaging myths surrounding taxes?
  • In what ways are business owners leaving money on the table year after year?
  • At what stage of business is it important to have a cash flow management system?
  • And much, much more!


How to Write a Powerful Press Release, With Mickie Kennedy

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on November 3, 2022

You can launch a PR campaign of 6 press releases including distribution over a bonafide press release newswire for under $2,000.

If just one of those press releases lands a key article in a major publication you could see thousands of visitors and hundreds of new customers.

If you apply strategy, there’s no reason why at least two of those press releases won’t garner actual media pickup: actual articles, possibly even links, in magazines, newspapers, blogs, trade publications, and more (including TV and radio)—both online and offline.

Mickie Kennedy literally wrote the book on writing powerful press releases, earning him Amazon Best Seller’s status in Public Relations and Marketing: Beginner’s Guide to Writing Powerful Press Releases. More than 10,000 print copies have been sold, with more than 40,000 digital versions sold or given away on Kindle, Apple Books, and the eReleases website.

Tune in and hear Mickie’s answers to questions such as:

  • What is a press release and how do they work?
  • What are tips for writing a winning press release?
  • Why do so many press releases fail?
  • How might a company use media coverage to improve conversions and get more sales?
  • How can a small business get free local media coverage?
  • And much, much more!

Invitation from Mickie:

Master Class that focuses on different press release strategies.

How Operationalizing Your Values Leads to Increased Sales, With Danielle Levy

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on November 1, 2022

Being an entrepreneur is about being true to yourself.

That means creating boundaries so that you can stay in your zone of genius.

You’ve put in the work. Now you’re a pro. You know that getting to that next level requires space for your energy and creativity.

For you that might look exceeding sales goals on a recent launch, landing that 5-figure client or exceeding your previous income at corporate.

But boundary creep happens to the best of us. You know what I’m talking about.

The client texts that pop across your screen at all hours, taking on new offerings without knowing if you truly have the capacity to fulfill or skipping out on workouts, meals and even showers some days so you can keep firing on all cylinders.

If you’ve been trading your genius for heavy lifting in your business, it’s time to call in your own personal Swiss army knife.

That Swiss army knife is Danielle Levy.

Tune in and hear Danielle’s answers to questions such as:

  • How to identify and publish your core values
  • The importance of team buy in
  • How to analyze your business to align with your values.
  • What is the impact of putting this all together
  • And much, much more!

Invitation from Danielle:

Business Blindspot Identifier

5 Tips to Help Entrepreneurs Make the Leap from Building to Selling Their Product, With Dr. Allan Colman

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on October 27, 2022

All too often, entrepreneurs are so gung-ho on building their new product or service that they don’t take time to think through how they will finance, market and sell it. Their singular focus likely accounts for the meager 20 percent survival rate of early startups.

For early-phase entrepreneurs making the leap from building the product to selling it, they must lay a foundation that positions them for success. This involves formulating a marketing strategy, developing an attention-getting brand, identifying financing opportunities, and working to learn prospects’ businesses inside out so they can become valued business partners who bring rewarding solutions to the table.

Dr. Allan Colman shares essential tips for laying the foundation of a successful new business venture.

Tune in and hear Allan’s answers to questions such as:

  • What major mistakes startups and new businesses make and their solutions
  • What myths about marketing and selling impact early-stage ventures
  • How to create your Unique Positioning Statement that will set you apart from the competition
  • What proven tool best keeps track of prospects, leads and clients ready to close
  • How to turn bumps in the road into profits
  • And much, much more!


How to Build a Business That Runs Smoothly, Profitably, and (Mostly) Without You, With John Nieuwenberg

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on October 25, 2022

A well-managed business runs on systems.

When you have systems in place: well-documented procedures, job descriptions, accounting and marketing systems – these systems run the business.

You’re no longer the bottleneck (the only person who can make a decision or who knows what’s going on.)

Well-established systems mean that your team knows what to do and how to do it. They run the systems.

Your job is to lead those people.

When your business runs well, you get your life back.

John Nieuwenberg’s promise to his clients is to help them: Increase profit, streamline operations, and get their life back.

Tune in and hear John’s answers to questions such as:

  • How to improve operations, implement systems and remove bottlenecks so that you get your time back
  • Why hiring and training the right team eliminates people problems
  • Grow your business with bigger and better clients
  • Overcome cash flow issues and improve your financial management
  • Make better decisions and become more profitable
  • And much, much more!

How Any Size Business Can Achieve Marketing Outcomes Like a Fortune 500, With Mark Havenner

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on October 20, 2022

Consumers and stakeholders won’t work with you if your values don’t align with theirs.

Increasingly, brands and senior leaders need to be authentically associated with a cause to cut it in today’s world: they need purpose.

On top of this, the old PR model is ripe for disruption. The distinction between marketing/ advertising (paid media) and PR has become so blurred in this era of digital communications and social media that it is almost irrelevant.  Because how we consume and produce content has changed almost beyond recognition since the turn of the century

The challenge for communicators is to produce relevant content on the right platforms so that people can find information at precisely the moment they need it.

Mark Havenner saw the challenge and created the solution.

We must tell our audience stories that connect to their problems, engage with them, and demonstrate how we can solve those problems.

Tune in and hear Mark’s answers to questions such as:

  • Why marketing efforts require strategic thinking and segmentation of the target
  • How to develop a profile of your ideal customer
  • Best ways to get your message out
  • Failure points of marketing and communications and how to fix them
  • And much, much more!

The New Economy, With Sheria Stallings

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on October 18, 2022

Sheria Stallings believes in people and the power of relationships and rests her business philosophy on it.

Sheria’s professional career spans over 20 years of attracting and retaining business, while managing a portfolio of over $400 million dollars. She is the Founder & Managing Director of She Soars LLC; a Transformational Leadership & Professional Development Organization that helps women identify blind spots that create barriers to their success.

Sheria and Adam discuss why the new economy is no longer currency or dollars ($$).

Tune in and hear Sheria’s answers to questions such as:

  • What could possibly take the place of money in this New Economy?
  • I hear you use the term “Netweave” how does it differ from the term “Networking” that most of us are familiar with?
  • What is Connect 4 & why is it so important to The New Economy?
  • Take us through the steps of building key connections.
  • No strings attached – is there such a thing?
  • It appears that our society thrives on perception; are there benefits to operating in this manner?
  • And much, much more!

Building an Agency Around the Concept of Education First, With Colby Flood

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on October 13, 2022

Colby Flood believes in Education First so much, it’s one of his company’s main values.

In fact, his company, Brighter Click’s mission reads as follows:

Brighter Click’s Mission is to be Education First with all things.

Internal education: We provide our team members with educational courses, webinars, conferences, subscriptions, and coaching sessions to continually grow in their roles. We ask that each team member complete at least one education resource per quarter.

Client-facing education: We’ve created educational videos to increase your knowledge of paid media. We use meeting agendas and weekly email send-outs to educate you on the performance of your account. We also train our account managers to lead all verbal and written communication with education.

Tune in and hear Colby’s answers to questions such as:
  • What do you mean by Education First?
  • How do you educate your client?
  • How will Education First help you to grow your people?
  • And much, much more!

Never stop learning. Tune in. 

Write Personality-Packed Copy, With Lucy Bedewi

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on October 11, 2022

Words have power.

You know what doesn’t? Cliché, uninteresting, bland, cold, lifeless brands.

The Internet has spoken. Personality attracts people.

When your web copy induces a laugh, hits you in the feels, and actually stands for something…it makes a sh*t-ton of sales.

That’s why Lucy Bedewi’s all about clear, personality-packed writing that inspires immediate action.

‘Cause your brand is way too good for ‘meh’ messaging and cookie-cutter copy.

Tune in and hear Lucy’s answers to questions such as:

  • What makes for good copy?
  • Why work with a copywriter?
  • What mistakes do people make when writing copy?
  • And much, much more!

Power-pack your copy…start with this episode. 

How to Create An ‘All-in-One-System’ For Client and Project Management on a Small Budget, With Brittany Dixon

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on October 6, 2022

You started your business to help people, create financial & time freedom for your family and leave a legacy. You didn’t start a business to run a business.

All the backend things are holding you back from creating your empire!

Creating a centralized hub for both client and project management doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. Selecting the right tools that work for you and your business are key when building out this system.

Brittany Dixon started Brittany & Co. because she was sick of being overwhelmed and overworked with no strategy or systems in place to grow a sustainable business that gave her the freedom she craved.

Tune in and hear Brittany’s answers to questions such as:

  • What’s the difference between project management and client relationship management?
  • What is the best tool to implement both of these factors?
  • What tools/systems do you use today in your business for this?
  • And much, much more!

If you’re ready to get your time back, tune in.