Lana McAra

Lana McAra is the founder of The Divine Downloads Project where she invites people to share their stories of flashes of insight that changed everything for them. Her journey began when her daughter, Miriam, became very ill with a long-term illness that went undiagnosed for 5 years as she continued to decline. Since they had no diagnosis, Lana and her daughter tuned into their own inner knowing to help her recover, and Miriam started to feel better. This led Lana to explore how we receive answers from our higher guidance and how to tune into those flashes of insights, how to trust the answers that we receive, and how to live in peace instead of fear when making decisions for her life, her health, and her business. Sharing this with other entrepreneurs has become her mission.
Lana McAra is an award-winning author and ghostwriter of 44 titles through traditional publishing with a million books sold. She has been teaching how to write fiction for 20 years. Lana currently serves as the president of the Northeast Florida Chapter of Sisters in Crime and host of The Fiction Writer's Podcast with Lana McAra.

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Lana McAra's Guest Appearances

How To Get Clear Answers for Your Business and Your Life When Nothing Makes Sense Any More, With Lana McAra

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on July 23, 2024

In today’s world, confusion is everywhere you look. How can you know what is best and right for you?

The answer is so simple that most people overlook it.

You already know the answer deep inside.

The key is accessing that knowing, understanding what it is, and trusting it enough to make a clear decision.

Tune in to hear Lana McAra’s thoughts on:

  • What is the difference between a gut feeling and inner knowing?
  • How can you know when you are getting a real answer?
  • What if I don’t trust the answer? What if I’m getting a wrong answer?
  • Do you have an exercise or process to help learn this?
  • What results have you seen in our life and career since you’ve been practicing this?
  • And much, much more!

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Invitation From Our Guest:

Apply to share your story in the Divine Downloads Project, a virtual summit and book project. Lana will interview you and take your interview’s contents to write a chapter in the book with you listed as a co-author. This is a pay-to-play project, but you don’t have to be a professional speaker to participate. This is a collection of stories by real people about real events that changed everything for them.