Rylee Meek

Rylee Meek is the founder and CEO of Social Dynamic Selling System. This thriving company has generated over $80 million in the past eight years and its mission is to teach business owners how they too can obtain predictable, sustainable and scalable income, primarily through dinner-seminar marketing.

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Dinner Seminar Marketing, With Rylee Meek

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on August 15, 2019

Dinner seminar marketing has been effectively used in many different industries for years. Financial services companies are probably the biggest fans. When you consider the lifetime value of a financial planning or insurance client against the cost of a dinner—and not even a lavish dinner at that—it quickly becomes pretty clear why dinner seminar marketing makes sense.

They have been using dinner seminar marketing for years for a very good reason—in their industry, there is no better way to get quality leads and lucrative clients. These same principles apply to other industries as well.

Rylee Meek has perfected the strategies behind dinner seminar marketing. He joins Adam to share why it works so well and how it might be able to work for you.


  • What dinner seminar marketing looks like;
  • What social dynamic selling is and why it works so well;
  • How to engage with prospects so they ask you to buy;
  • How to fill the room with qualified prospects;
  • And much more!

If you are interested in creating predictable, sustainable, and scalable income for your business, don’t miss this episode!