Only 27 Years to Become an Instant Success: What Flipped the Switch? With Lana McAra

Filed in Podcasts, Previous Episodes on March 9, 2023

Lana McAra began her career with the publication of her first book in 1996 and saw some success.

Now, 27 years later, her career launched into overdrive with a book that wins 3 separate awards, multiple speaking invitations streaming in, a comfortable living and stepping onto a platform at Harvard to deliver a bLU Talk.

Let’s talk about what made the difference.

What flipped the switch for this hard-working entrepreneur?

Tune in and hear Lana’s answers to questions such as:

  • Tell us a bit about your own challenging past and how it became an advantage.
  • What would you say to someone who has been through extreme circumstances?
  • What are some suggestions for someone who wants to take that leap from victim to victor?
  • Was there a particular event or method that flipped the switch for you?
  • How do we get more?
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Guest:

Free Master Class: How to Write an Impact-Driven Fiction That Sells



About This Guest: ()

Lana McAra is the founder of The Divine Downloads Project where she invites people to share their stories of flashes of insight that changed everything for them. Her journey began when her daughter, Miriam, became very ill with a long-term illness that went undiagnosed for 5 years as she continued to decline. Since they had no diagnosis, Lana and her daughter tuned into their own inner knowing to help her recover, and Miriam started to feel better. This led Lana to explore how we receive answers from our higher guidance and how to tune into those flashes of insights, how to trust the answers that we receive, and how to live in peace instead of fear when making decisions for her life, her health, and her business. Sharing this with other entrepreneurs has become her mission. Lana McAra is an award-winning author and ghostwriter of 44 titles through traditional publishing with a million books sold. She has been teaching how to write fiction for 20 years. Lana currently serves as the president of the Northeast Florida Chapter of Sisters in Crime and host of The Fiction Writer's Podcast with Lana McAra.